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With Google ending support for third-party cookies sometime in 2023, marketers and salespeople need to rethink the way they generate and target leads. The answer to the coming cookiepocalypse is to focus on first-party data.

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Bend, Oregon-based Element 1 Corporation announced today that it has forged a partnership with Washington D.C-based NEXA Capital to bring methanol-based hydrogen generation to the world's aerospace sector. Element 1, a developer of small-scale to micro-scale clean energy technologies, plans to accelerate the adoption of its methanol-to-hydrogen generators for fuel cell applications in aerospace--particularly electric vertical aircraft--resulting in quiet, carbon-neutral and cost-effective flight.
Posted by IndustrySelect
Several new manufacturing plants were announced in November as manufacturers ramp up production to meet soaring demand and fill gaps in the supply chain. This month brought news of a major semiconductor operation breaking ground in Texas, new facilities to help strengthen the critical supply chain, and several innovative food and beverage manufacturers.

Let's take a look at the latest manufacturing operations breaking ground this month.
Posted by IndustrySelect
Your company has put the work into your B2B email marketing campaigns. You have segmented your customer lists and then segmented some more. You know where each potential buyer is in the purchasing process. And you've refreshed your marketing materials and updated your contacts. You were ready to push the button to start emailing -- but then Apple iOS 15 came into the picture. These changes will greatly impact your ability to track your efforts.

But don't panic. You've faced more devastating changes to your marketing strategy and survived (a.k.a. COVID-19). You completely re-tooled the way you did business, and you can survive this change as well.

Posted by IndustrySelect
New data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics finds October's job creation in the U.S. manufacturing sector more than doubled over last month, while unfilled positions in the sector have finally begun to decline. Today, we're exploring the most recent manufacturing numbers from the Labor Department, providing the gains and losses by specific subsector, as well as the latest in manufacturing job openings.
Posted by IndustrySelect
B2B marketers can learn quite a few refinements from their B2C brethren. For the most part, B2C marketing techniques rely on personalized ads. B2C marketers do so by tugging on the consumer's heartstrings. B2B marketers, on the other hand, rely on convincing an entire company to buy their product.

Let's take a closer look at what B2B can learn from B2C.
Posted by Kati McDermith - MNI Brand Ambassador
As manufacturing month comes to an end, I am wrapping up this spooky Interview series with a look into the brains of a Freight Broker!

When I drive around, I am constantly amazed by the cool things we move in our country. Even with supply chain shortages, our freight movers are always on the job. I would like to shed some light on the industry as it pertains to brokering of freight services. I am sure we will all learn something.

I bring to you in closing, an interview with a Freight Broker, Pedro Angulo.
Posted by IndustrySelect
Some major new plant announcements were made in October as U.S. manufacturers continue to meet soaring demand. This month, we saw more cutting-edge enterprises than ever, with new and expanded facilities in the aerospace, automotive, solar, and biotech, while other new projects spanned multiple industries, from generators to textiles to innovative packaging solutions.

Let's explore some of the most exciting announcements made this month in manufacturing.
Posted by Kati McDermith - MNI Brand Ambassador
One of the best things about working in the manufacturing industry is that so many people are involved in manufacturing at all different levels, it's easy to connect on topics of importance.

We read posts and articles every day about the labor shortage and all the need for workers. Today I am spending some time talking about the challenges in recruiting and talent acquisition with my role model and sister, Terri Lick, Talent Acquisition.
Posted by IndustrySelect
The great Facebook outage on October 4th upset many who couldn't post pictures of their meals or their pets for a few hours. For manufacturers and other companies, the outage was much more devastating.
Posted by Kati McDermith- MNI Brand Ambassador
Have you ever seen a robot in action? Me neither, but my friends at RMH actually design and control (and test) robotic systems for automation! How cool is that?! Or freaky?

I am so pleased to bring to you, another installment of my spooky October Manufacturing Month series. Today, I'll be talking with my friend Jenni Hill, Marketing Manager at RMS Systems.

Posted by IndustrySelect
In September, U.S. manufacturers added just 26,000 new positions. Meanwhile, employment in the U.S. economy overall increased by a modest 194,000 jobs and the unemployment rate eased to 4.8%. The labor participation rate remained steady at 61.6, 1.5% than pre-pandemic levels, and the lowest rate the nation has seen since the 1970s.

Posted by IndustrySelect
From cleaning chemicals to agricultural chemicals to pharmceuticals and adhesives, the chemical industry plays an essential role in modern life. Critical to the industry are the sector's manufacturers that churn out millions of products and materials every year, making it a powerful industry to do business with.

Whether you're looking to do business with chemical manufacturers or just plain curious, discover these key facts and statistics on the U.S. chemical industry and the top chemical manufacturers in the U.S.
Posted by Kati McDermith- MNI Brand Ambassador
Many opportunities have been afforded to me amidst this weird pandemic time. My favorite has been meeting and getting to work with professionals in manufacturing. I teamed up with some wonderful companies this year to assist in marketing needs and made some pretty incredible friends as well!

First in a new series for spooky season, a spoof off a popular book and movie (Interview with A Vampire by Ann Rice), I am so excited to bring to you: Interview with an Executive VP of Sales, Ryan Shaw of B&F Fastener Supply.

Posted by IndustrySelect
Planning a new email campaign calls for crafting attention-grabbing subject lines, writing compelling copy and creating clean graphics. But how do you make sure your recipients will see this content? The first step of a successful cold email campaign is about making it past spam filters.
Posted by IndustrySelect
Do you have an aluminum water bottle close at hand? How about your window screens or screen doors? Chances are good that you see aluminum extruded products so often that you don't even notice. Their strength, safety and rust resistance make them a great choice for many uses. Construction, energy, machinery and household goods all depend on these items. Knowing aluminum extruded products manufacturers can help you make valuable connections to them and to all sorts of other manufacturers where these products are used.

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Whether you're chasing down a lead or eagerly anticipating a response from a recent prospect, waiting for a reply that never hits your inbox can be frustrating. If you want to turn a lead into a recurring client, your follow-up tactics are essential. Keep reading to learn the best practices for crafting the best follow-up email responses for non-responders.
Posted by IndustrySelect
Adhesive and sealant manufacturers specialize in binding substances. From auto applications to office products, the demand is high. However, these businesses are facing some supply chain challenges at the moment. This article will explore the latest trends in the industry and examine the largest adhesive and sealant manufacturers in the United States.
Posted by IndustrySelect
September was a busy month for manufacturing with a number of new facilities and expansions announced. This month, cutting edge enterprises dominated headlines, with announcements made in the EV, solar, semiconductor, biotech and defense industries. Meanwhile, three new packaging facilities point to soaring demand in the industry, while other new projects spanned multiple industries, from transformers to boilers to high-tech logistics.
Posted by IndustrySelect
New data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics finds the U.S. manufacturing sector added jobs in August, while job openings in the sector remain at historic levels. So what manufacturing sectors are struggling the most to add workers? And which are gaining jobs? Today, we're exploring the most recent manufacturing numbers from the Labor Department, providing the gains and losses by specific subsector. But first, let's take a look at manufacturing job openings.

Posted by Kati McDermith - MNI Brand Ambassador
I don't know about you readers, but I love routines! In fact, I love watching others' routines on YouTube. And since I also love U.S. manufacturers, I thought I would share with you my morning routine thanks to U.S. manufacturers!
Posted by IndustrySelect
It's nearly the end of the quarter, you're ready to close some deals and finish strong. You've got a call scheduled with your star prospect -- you know, the one who you've talked to so often you feel like a member of the family? You're sure her response will be a resounding "Yes, sign me up!" But instead you get:

"Uh...yeah, that all sounds good. Can I just have some time to think it over?"

If you're a salesperson - no matter how good you are - you've heard a client say some variation of that question before, and with manufacturers contending with historic supply chain and labor challenges right now, you're probably hearing this common sales objection more and more. Dealing with prospects who need to "think it over" can be frustrating, but it doesn't have to mean a lost sale if you handle it correctly.

You can overcome this hurdle next time it pops up during your sales pitch by reinventing how you approach this vague response.
Posted by IndustrySelect
It may be the dog days of summer, but U.S. manufacturers are full steam ahead, with several new manufacturing facilities announced in August. This month, we saw some big biotech announcements, new strides made in the EV market, and many other new enterprises, making everything from textiles to tools to packaging materials. Let's explore some of the most exciting announcements made this month in manufacturing

Posted by IndustrySelect
Pipe and fittings manufacturers remain prominent regardless of new construction. Replacement, repair and upgrades represent a large segment of the market. Let's briefly review the sector as a whole and explore the nine top companies that you should know about.

Posted by IndustrySelect
Finding quality leads in a sector as niche as manufacturing can be a real challenge. On Thursday, August 12th, MNI hosted the weekly Tweetchat #USAMfgHour and dedicated the hour to discussing the challenges of generating quality leads in manufacturing. The #USAMfgHour Tweetchat was especially revealing, with manufacturers sharing a bounty of insights on data decay, the pandemic's impact on communicating with prospects, lead qualification, top lead generation resources and the pros and cons of lists, and more. Today, we're sharing some of these insightful comments from manufacturers on lead generation in their niche.

Posted by IndustrySelect
When it comes to sales, good marketing is critical. It's even more important that good marketing tactics target your key audience in an accessible way. This is especially important for manufacturers. Indeed, sometimes there are unavoidable obstacles to overcome in a crowded marketplace. Other times, there are industry-related issues such as a technology gap. It is also not uncommon for the chain of command in the manufacturing industry to forgo the use of email. With that being said, a strong and effective sales methodology is how you can avoid these types of issues and keep a successful business.

Posted by IndustrySelect
New data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics finds the U.S. manufacturing sector added jobs in July, while job openings in the sector remain at historic levels. Explore the industries that hired in July and those that struggled to hire workers.
Posted by IndustrySelect
Welcome to Part Three of our "Common Client Concerns and How to Address Them" series, where we give salespeople and marketers in the manufacturing industry the tools they need to outpace competitors and seal deals.

Last week, we took a look at some winning responses to clients who say they need more time to think over your proposal.

But what about those prospects who are too busy to even take your call?

Posted by IndustrySelect
As demand for U.S. manufactured goods continues to soar, a number of new manufacturing facilities were announced in July, with new operations poised to churn out a wide range of products, from advanced medicines to food coatings, mattresses, refrigerators, roofing materials and more. Notably, one company announced this month that it has exceeded its reshoring goals by 20% this year. Let's take a look at the most exciting new plant announcements made in July.
Posted by IndustrySelect
Even the most experienced salesperson doesn't land every prospect. If you find that your company consistently misses its sales goals, though, you may find yourself facing some tough questions regarding your sales and marketing strategy. Is your sales funnel too shallow? Does your marketing messaging match your sales tactics? Are your salespeople on the same page as your marketing people? Are you reaching the right audience at the right time with the right product? The following suggestions will help you out of your slump and shorten your sales cycle.

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