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Top 10 Search and Navigation Equipment Manufacturers in the U.S.

Posted by IndustrySelect on Wednesday, May 15, 2024

 Top Search and Navigation Equipment Manufacturers in the U.S.

From the cockpit instruments guiding pilots to the GPS systems in our cars, search and navigation equipment plays a vital role in getting us where we need to go, both literally and figuratively. The search and navigation equipment industry is relatively small, but intensely powerful, manufacturing a wide range of products, from cutting-edge avionics and flight recorders to sophisticated radar and sonar systems.

According to data collected by MNI, the U.S. search and navigation equipment sector is also a major exporter, with a whopping 70% of companies distributing their products around the globe (as a comparison, just 29% of the manufacturing sector distributing internationally), making it a key industry to keep your eye on.

Today, we’re going to take a look at some of the top companies in the search and navigation equipment industry based on number of employees. But first, let’s examine some key trends in this small yet vital sector.

Key Statistics on the U.S. Search and Navigation Equipment Industry

MNI, compiler and publisher of industrial business profiles for the U.S. industrial sector and informational engine behind IndustrySelect, surveyed the nation’s nearly 300 search and navigation manufacturers, directly collecting key data points on this vital industry.

• There are currently 281 search and navigation fabrication suppliers in the U.S.
• 59,492 workers are employed in this powerful industry.
• Employment among search and navigation manufacturers has inched up 0.2% over the past year (May 2023 to May 2024)
• Average reported sales for U.S. search and navigation manufacturers ran $55 billion 2023-2024.
• 9 U.S. search and navigation manufacturers or 3% are women-owned
• 3 companies or 1% are minority-owned
• 41 or 15% of search and navigation manufacturers in the United States import raw materials
• 196 or 70% distribute their products internationally.
• The Pacific/Mountain region accounts for the most search and navigation manufacturers at 34%, following by the U.S. south with 30%.

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Top 10 Search and Navigation Equipment Manufacturers in the U.S.

CompanyNumber of EmployeesCityState
Raytheon Co.7,302El SegundoCA
Garmin International, Inc.5,000OlatheKS
Honeywell Aerospace5,000PhoenixAZ
Northrop Grumman Corp., Land & Self Protection Systems Div.2,800Rolling MeadowsIL
The Boeing Co.2,500HuntsvilleAL
General Dynamics C4 Systems2,000ScottsdaleAZ
L3Harris Technologies, Inc.1,600CliftonNJ
Lockheed Martin Mission Systems And Training1,600LiverpoolNY
Honeywell Aerospace1,500ClearwaterFL
Northrop Grumman, Navigation Systems Div.1,500Woodland HillsCA

About the Top Search and Navigation Equipment Manufacturers in the U.S.

Raytheon Co., El Segundo, CA:
A leader in defense and aerospace systems, Raytheon’s El Segundo facility is known for its advanced tactical and surveillance radars and space-based sensors.

Garmin International, Inc., Olathe, KS:
Garmin’s Olathe campus is at the heart of GPS technology innovation, delivering cutting-edge solutions for fitness, aviation, and outdoor recreation.

Honeywell Aerospace, Phoenix, AZ:
Honeywell Aerospace in Phoenix is a hub for aerospace innovation, focusing on integrated avionics, engines, and service solutions for commercial and defense applications.

Northrop Grumman Corp., Rolling Meadows, IL
Specializing in navigation, targeting, and self-protection systems, Northrop Grumman’s Rolling Meadows site supports military operations with advanced technology solutions.

The Boeing Co., Huntsville, AL
Boeing’s Huntsville location plays a crucial role in space and defense programs, including missile and weapons systems, as well as the Space Launch System and the International Space Station.

General Dynamics C4 Systems, Scottsdale, AZ:
General Dynamics C4 Systems in Scottsdale is a pioneer in communications and space systems, contributing to missions from the moon to Mars.

L3Harris Technologies, Inc., Clifton, NJ:
L3Harris Technologies in Clifton delivers agile solutions across air, land, sea, space, and cyber domains, ensuring rapid response to global security needs.

Lockheed Martin Mission Systems And Training, Liverpool, NY:
Lockheed Martin in Liverpool provides mission-critical training and systems engineering support for various defense applications, including electronic warfare and radar systems.

Honeywell Aerospace, Clearwater, FL:
This facility is part of Honeywell’s commitment to creating more fuel-efficient aircraft and safer skies, with a focus on runway safety and efficient flight operations.

Northrop Grumman, Navigation Systems Div., Woodland Hills, CA:
Northrop Grumman’s Woodland Hills division advances positioning, navigation, and situational awareness technology for defense and commercial markets.

About This Data

Data for the top search and navigation equipment manufacturers in the U.S. was collected by MNI, compiler and publisher of industrial data since 1912. MNI’s 80-person research team pinpoints every industrial establishment in the U.S. Each company is contacted multiple times annually to ensure its information remains up-to-date and complete. See a sample profile

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