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Top 10 U.S. Manufacturers of Industrial Gases in the U.S.

Posted by IndustrySelect on Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Top manufacturers of industrial gases in the U.S.A.


Industrial gas manufacturing was a $92 billion sector in 2020. Experts anticipate it will exceed $147 billion by 2028.

A company that makes industrial gases usually lowers the temperature of the gas until it becomes a liquid. This liquid is then kept in pressurized canisters for a variety of uses.

Applications for Industrial Gases

Many areas of the economy rely on liquefied industrial gas, including healthcare and manufacturing.

Oxygen, nitrous oxide, argon and helium play important roles in the healthcare system. Nitrous oxide calms patients for short operations without the side effects of other drugs. Liquid nitrogen works as a way to save tissue and organs and remove small patches of skin cancer.

Oxygen, in various forms, powers the manufacturing sector. It plays a key role in fabrication, steel melting and copper smelting. This industrial gas also works to clean hazardous waste and polluted water and is used in the paper industry to reduce pollution.

In Depth: Key Facts & Statistics in the U.S. Chemicals Industry

Core Manufacturing Statistics in the Industrial Gases Market

According to MNI, compiler and publisher of the industrial data that powers IndustrySelect, the US houses 501 industrial gas manufacturing companies employing 19,480 people with a combined average sales of $167 billion per year.

On the whole, industrial gas manufacturing companies run even with manufacturing as a whole in some cases:

● 10% of gas manufacturing companies import raw materials versus 11% of all manufacturing.
● 29% of gas manufacturing companies with international distribution, which is the same figure for all manufacturing.

However, industrial gas manufacturers are, by far, more likely to be publically owned than manufacturing companies as a whole. Roughly 74% of industrial gas manufacturers are publically owned. Only 5% of all U.S. manufacturing companies are publically owned.

Regional numbers show that the majority of industrial gas manufacturers are in the South, with a roughly equal spread throughout the rest of the U.S.:

● South – 45%
● Midwest – 25%
● West – 17%
● Northeast – 13%

Top 10 US Industrial Gas Manufacturers

CompanyCityState Number of Employees
Linde Gas & Equipment, Inc.TonawandaNY1,100
Enterprise Products Operating, LLCMont BelvieuTX500
Airgas USA, LLCHoustonTX300
Airgas USA, LLC - Great Lakes RegionIndependenceOH275
Messer North America, Inc.StewartsvilleNJ250
Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.New OrleansLA200
Norco, Inc.BoiseID200
Western International Gas & Cylinders, Inc.BellvilleTX200
Joyson Safety Systems Acquisition, LLCMoses LakeWA160
Holston Gases, Inc.KnoxvilleTN150

About the Top 10 Industrial Gas Manufacturers

Linde Gas & Equipment, Inc. is located in Tonawanda, New York. With 1,100 employees, The Linde facility is a regional engineering and purchasing plant for air separation and syngas plants. It is also known for its research and development in many related areas.

Enterprise Products Operating, LLC in Mont Belvieu, Texas, employs 500 people in their publicly-traded company. Its integrated energy infrastructure supports makers and users of natural gas, crude oil and petrochemicals.

Airgas USA, LLC on Little Rock Road in Houston, Texas, works with other manufacturers. The 300 people at this site make welding and cutting gases and provide MIG welding and industrial building.

Airgas USA, LLC – Great Lakes Region in Independence, Ohio, provides many products and services. With 275 people, this division works with oxygen, argon, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. They make welding products, safety items, tools and hardware.

Messer North America, Inc., housed in Stewartsville, New Jersey, uses its 250 workers to make industrial and specialty gases. For over 100 years and counting, they have worked within the industrial, food, medical, chemical and electronics areas as leaders in industrial gas uses.

Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. calls New Orleans, Louisiana, home. There, 200 employees work with low-carbon hydrogen to power mobility and industrial markets. This clean energy complex captures 95% of its carbon dioxide emissions.

Norco, Inc. hails from Boise, Idaho. It is one of the few privately-held welding, safety, medical and gas suppliers in the US. With 200 dedicated staff members, the company provides superior customer service and product knowledge in the industrial gas industry.

Western International Gas & Cylinders, Inc. in Bellville, Texas, provides wholesale acetylene, compressed gases and equipment through the dedication of its 200 employees.

Joyson Safety Systems Acquisition, Inc. employs 160 individuals in Moses Lake, Washington, to perfect airbag systems. These vital forms of protection save countless lives through their innovation annually.

Holston Gases, Inc. is located in Knoxville, Tennessee. Its 150 employees provide cylinder and bulk gases, industrial and welding supplies, and beverage-grade carbon dioxide.

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