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Top 10 U.S. Manufacturers of Agricultural Chemicals

Posted by IndustrySelect on Wednesday, April 6, 2022

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The agricultural chemicals industry has a strong outlook, between the sustained demand for whole-grain products and the need to increase crop yield. Additionally, the current war in Ukraine is shaping the global agricultural market, as both Russia and Ukraine are major exporters of fertilizer products and grain, leading to global shortages of many types of agricultural chemicals. The USDA recently announced a $250 million investment to support innovation in American-made fertilizer in order to counter global instability in agricultural markets stemming from the war in Ukraine.  U.S. agricultural suppliers are thus facing heightened demand for their products, making this a key market to keep your eye on. 

Industry Overview

Data collected from MNI, compiler of the industrial data that powers IndustrySelect, reveals that of the 209 U.S. agricultural chemicals manufacturers, 38% of them are located in the Midwest, while 37% can be found in the South.

In Depth: Key Facts & Statistics on the U.S. Chemicals Manufacturing Sector

Approximately one-fifth of these manufacturers have facilities in the West.

Additionally, while only 5% of all manufacturers are public companies, 16% of agricultural chemicals manufacturers fall in this category.

Furthermore, compared to other manufacturers, these companies are more likely to rely on global supply and distribution chains:

While 70% of all manufacturers rely on domestic distribution, this percentage falls to 63% for the agricultural chemicals industry.

International distribution is a strategy that 33% of agricultural chemicals manufacturers use, compared to 29% of all manufacturers.

The import of raw materials is more common, with 22% of agricultural chemicals manufacturers using this strategy over the 11% of all manufacturers.

International distribution gives these manufacturers access to a wider range of markets, and importing raw materials helps them keep up with the strong demand at a domestic level, as reflected by our search trends.

Top 10 U.S. Manufacturers of Agricultural Chemicals

The following is a list of the top U.S. manufacturers of agricultural chemicals, including location and number of employees, based on MNI data. 

CompanyCityState Number of Employees
Bayer CropScience L. P.LulingLA800
Bayer CropScience L. P.Research Triangle ParkNC640
Bayer CropScience L. P.Kansas CityMO550
Gowan Co., LLCYumaAZ500
Chemours, Inc.BelleWV490
Bayer CropScience L. P.Soda SpringsID390
BASF Corp.PalmyraMO350
Gowan MillingYumaAZ240
Drexel Chemical Co.MemphisTN200
PBI/Gordon Corp.ShawneeKS200

About the Top 10 Agricultural Chemical Manufacturers

Bayer CropScience L.P. (Luling, LA)

The pharmaceutical company has a strong presence in the agricultural chemicals market, thanks to its Bayer CropScience division. The Luling, LA, facility employs 800 people and is one of the major production sites for the Roundup herbicide product line.

Bayer CropScience L.P. (Research Triangle Park, NC)

The Bayer CropScience headquarters is located in Research Triangle Park, NC, and has 640 employees. This location is where Bayer develops crop protection products, fertilizers, seed treatments and more.

Bayer CropScience L.P. (Kansas City, MO)

The Bayer CropScience Kansas City, MO, division produces seed treatments, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. A total of 550 employees work at the 240-acre facility.

Gowan Co., LLC

Located in Yuma, AZ, Gowan Co., LLC is the manufacturer behind fungicide brands like EcoSwing, Quintec and Torino. The 500 employees also make seed treatments and fertilizers.

Chemours, Inc.

Chemours, Inc. is a chemicals manufacturer with a product line that includes brand names like Teflon and Freon. The Belle, WV, production facility employs 490 people and produces agricultural solutions like mulch films, silo bags, fungicides, herbicides and fluorine.

Bayer CropScience L.P. (Soda Springs, ID)

Soda Springs, ID, is home to a strong phosphorus mining industry. The proximity of phosphorus mines allows Bayer CropScience and its 390 employees to produce Roundup and other agricultural chemicals.

BASF Corp.

BASF Corporation is the second-largest producer of chemicals in North America. This manufacturer has a location in Palmyra, MO, with 350 employees. Its agricultural products are designed for pest control and turf management. They also offer seed treatments and greenhouse and nursery solutions.

Gowan Milling

Located in Yuma, AZ, this production facility houses 240 employees and specializes in formulation services and packaging for agricultural chemicals. Formulation services include low-pressure basket extrusion, wet milling and micronizing.

Drexel Chemicals Co.

Drexel Chemicals Co. has a large portfolio of products with specialized applications, including defoliants, adjuvants, nutrients, growth regulation products and crop protection solutions. This manufacturer has 200 employees and is located in Memphis, TN.

PBI/Gordon Corp.

PBI/Gorden Corp. is a Shawnee, KS, manufacturer with 200 employees. This manufacturer produces pest management solutions and animal health products, as well as turf and ornamental solutions. The PBI/Gordon product portfolio includes herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, nutrients, growth regulators and more.

Contacting Manufacturers of Agricultural Chemicals

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Editor's Note: This article was originiall published in June 2020. It has been updated to reflect new trends in the outlook for agricultural chemicals industry. 

Related Searches: Agricultural Chemicals
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