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Top 10 U.S. Manufacturers of Industrial Organic Chemicals

Posted by IndustrySelect on Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Top 10 Manufacturers of Organic Chemicals in the US


Many organic chemicals are used in manufacturing other products, so much of their demand is determined by downstream usage. While no one company controls organic chemicals sales, many companies manufacture multiple products to produce chemicals for a wide range of purposes.

Some companies, however, concentrate on serving particular niches. In this article, you will find information which is general to the industry and specific to the top job providers.

U.S. Organic Chemicals Manufacturing: Industry Statistics

Excluding crystals like diamonds, almost anything containing carbon is classed as an organic chemical, including:

● Alcohol.
● Raw materials for construction products.
● Ingredients for food.
● Perfume components.
● Pesticides.
● Ingredients of beauty products.
● Components of coatings.
● Components of plastics.
● Gases.
● Components of adhesives.

According to MNI, compiler and publisher of the industrial data that powers IndustrySelect, there are currently 643 organic chemical manufacturers in the U.S., employing 55,000 workers. 2% of these companies are women-owned, the same as for U.S. manufacturing as a whole. 

IN-DEPTH: Key Facts & Trends in the U.S. Chemical Industry

These companies import 30% of their raw materials, while total U.S. manufacturing imports 11%. International distribution exceeds all U.S. manufacturing at 50% versus 29%. A large segment, 21%, of U.S. organic chemical companies have public ownership.

Organic chemical companies concentrate in the Midwest, where 40% have facilities, and in the South, which houses 34% — the total rounds out with 18% in the Northeast and 9% in the West. Still, you will find most of the top organic chemical companies in the South. More direct access to petrochemical feedstocks accounts for Texas and Louisiana locations.

Top 10 Industrial Manufacturers of Organic Chemicals

Below are the top ten makers of organic chemicals in the United States.

CompanyCityState Number of Employees
The Dow Chemical Co.MidlandMI1,100
Westinghouse Electric Co., LLCHopkinsSC1,100
AdvanSix, Inc.HopewellVA1,000
LyondellBasell Investment, LLCHoustonTX1,000
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.BeaumontTX800
U Amines, LLCPortsmouthVA712
Mansfield Oil Company of Gainesville Inc.GainesvilleGA650
Shell Chemical Co., Geismar Plt.GeismarLA650
Celanese Chemical Ltd.PasadenaTX600
Jacam Chemical CatalystSterlingKS600

About the Top 10 Manufacturers of Organic Chemicals

1. The Dow Chemical Company

The Dow Chemical Company has been in Michigan since 1897. You might be calling on one of several locations in the Dow Industrial Park in Midland, Michigan, where Dow has 1100 employees. The park also houses tenants and contractors, including Cabot, Corteva, DuPont, HSC, Iff, and Trinseo. The total workforce in the park is 6000. One visit to the park may yield several sales opportunities.

2. Westinghouse Electric Co., LLC

Westinghouse has a staff of 1100 in Hopkins, South Carolina. The company is also involved with the nuclear industry, providing fuel and products for nuclear plants. Westinghouse says it does not operate a nuclear plant on the property. The company has been operating in the Hopkins location since 1969. The environment may be a sore spot. Westinghouse insists that the facility hasn’t produced any off-site contamination.

3. AdvanSix, Inc.

The 1000 employees in the AdvanSix Hopewell, Virginia facility produce caprolactam to make nylon for carpets and plastics. The same site also turns out large quantities of ammonium sulfate, a non-organic fertilizer used to grow corn, wheat, coffee, sugar, and other crops. The company touts its environmental and charitable activities.

4. LyondellBasel Investment, Inc.

A global leader in the manufacturing of industrial grade chemicals, including acetic acid, vinyl acetate monomer, acetic anhydride, and other specialty derivative products.

5. Goodyear Tire & Rubber

An American multinational tire manufacturer headquartered in Akron, Ohio. It manufactures tires for passenger vehicles, aviation, commercial trucks, military and police vehicles, motorcycles, RVs, race cars, and heavy off-road machinery and its Beaumont location produces synthetic rubber. 

6. U.S. Amines, Inc.

This company manufactures and distributes synthetic alkyl and allyl amines. It offers ethyl, propyl, butyl, isopropyl, cyclohexyl, and more.

7. Mansfield Oil Company of Gainesville, Inc.

A major U.S. manufacturer of petroleum and related products, Mansfield delivers over 3 billion gallons of fuel and complementary products annually to 8,000+ customers across the United States and Canada.

8. Shell Chemical Company Geismar Plant

Near Geismar, Louisiana, 650 employees of Shell Chemical Company focus on producing bulk petrochemicals. This company projects an image of community participation. It involves itself in education and various charitable causes. The Geismar Plant location in Ascension Parish is four miles from Geismar.

9. Celanese Chemical Ltd.

Celanese in Pasadena, Texas, employs 600 workers. They manufacture chemicals related to resin, synthetic rubber, fibers, and filaments. A fire broke out in the plant in Jan. 2023. All the workers were accounted for, no injuries were reported, and monitoring showed no severe pollution issues. However, safety and environmental concerns may arise about this facility.

10. Jacam Chemical Company 2013, LLC

The 600 workers at the Jacam facility in Sterling, Kansas, manufacture chemicals used in oilfields. Jacam is the largest chemical supplier to operations in the Permian Basin. The company produces chemicals used during the entire extraction process. It operates a fleet of trucks to deliver chemicals to drilling sites.

Entering the Organic Chemical Marketplace

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Editor's Note: The article was orignially published in July of 2023. It has been updated to reflect new statistics, trends and top companies in the industry. 

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