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Top 10 Manufacturing Companies in Montana

Posted by IndustrySelect on Friday, August 30, 2024

 Top 10 Manufacturing Companies in Montana

Above: REC Advanced Silicon Materials, LLC in Butte, Montana, among the state's largest manufacturing facilties. (Image courtesy of REC Advanced Silicon Materials)

With its low business costs and abundant natural resources, Montana is an attractive state for many manufacturers. Historically strong in the lumber and wood industries, the state has also drawn a diverse set of industries to its borders in recent years, including some key players in the semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries.

Let’s take a closer look at Montana manufacturing trends and the top companies in these fields.

Key Facts about Montana’s Manufacturing Sector

According to MNI, compiler and publisher of the industrial data that powers IndustrySelect, there are currently 1,390 manufacturers in the state of Montana that employ 24,557 workers.

 Billings is Montana’s largest city based on number of industrial jobs, with 3,896 workers.

Read more: Top Manufacturing States in the U.S.

Other top cities in Montana include

Bozeman (2,635 jobs)
Missoula (2,164 jobs)
Kalispell: (2,146 jobs)
Great Falls (1,545 jobs)

The lumber and wood products industry is Montana’s largest in terms of employment, accounting for 14% of the state’s industrial workforce. This is followed by food processing with 12% of Montana’s factory workers. Printing and publishing makes up another 10%, while industrial machinery and stone/clay/glass each account for 9% of Montana’s industrial workforce.

MNI reports there are 5,107 executive contacts among Montana’s manufacturing companies, including 612 presidents, 909 owners and partners; 227 vice-presidents and 333 sales, marketing and purchasing executives.

Looking for sales leads in Montana? Start your free demo of IndustrySelect and reach new prospects in the industrial world! 

Other facts to know about Montana manufacturers, based on IndustrySelect’s advanced criteria available to subscribers, include ownership, distribution and other trends. Let’s take a look:

• 2% of Montana manufacturers are women-owned
• 1% are minority-owned
• 7% are publicly owned companies
• 7% import raw materials
• 19% distribute their products internationally.

Next, we’ll take a look at the state’s top companies.

Top 10 Manufacturing Companies in Montana

Applied Materials550KalispellMT
Weyerhaeuser Co.435KalispellMT
CHS, Inc.360LaurelMT
Phillips 66 Co.300BillingsMT
Par Pacific Holdings, Inc., Billings Refinery250BillingsMT
REC Advanced Silicon Materials, LLC250ButteMT
Rocky Mountain Twist250RonanMT
Sibanye Stillwater Mining Co.230ColumbusMT
GlaxoSmithKline, LLC216HamiltonMT
ADF International, Inc.200Great FallsMT

About the Top 10 Manufacturing Companies in Montana

1. Applied Materials (Kalispell)

Applied Materials is a global leader in the semiconductor manufacturing equipment industry. Operating out of a 300,000 square facility in Kalispell, this location manufactures subassemblies and process equipment used for semiconductor production for electronic devices, including computers and smart phones. This location ranks as Montana’s largest manufacturing facility based on number of employees, with 550 workers.

2. Weyerhaeuser Co. (Kalispell)

Weyerhaeuser is a forest products company that owns and manages timberlands, mills, and other assets in the United States, Canada, and South America. Employing 435 workers, the company’s Kalispell location ranks as the state’s second largest for manufacturing employment and produces lumber and other wood products.

3. CHS, Inc. (Laurel)

CHS Inc. is the nation’s largest cooperative oil refinery, operating one refinery in Laurel and one in McPherson, Kansas, distributing fuel to the Midwest region and also the U.S. South. The company employs 360 Montana workers.

4. Phillips 66 Co. (Billings)

Phillips 66 is an energy company that operates refineries, pipelines, and other energy infrastructure. Employing 300, the company's Billings refinery is one of the largest in the state of Montana and processes mostly Canadian heavy high-sulfur crudes producing fuels marketed in Montana, Idaho, eastern Washington, Wyoming and Utah to produce transportation fuel.

5. Par Pacific Holdings, Inc., Billings Refinery (Billings)

Par Pacific Holdings is an energy company that owns and operates refineries, terminals, and other energy assets. Home to 250 workers, the company's Billings refinery is a medium-sized refinery that produces gasoline, diesel, and other petroleum products.

6. REC Advanced Silicon Materials, LLC (Butte)

REC Advanced Silicon Materials is a manufacturer of silicon materials for the solar and semiconductor industries. Supporting the solar and semiconductor industries, the company's Butte facility produces solar grade silicon, including polysilicon & silane gases. The company employs 250 and distributes its products nationally.

7. Rocky Mountain Twist (Ronan)

Operating out of a 310,000 square-foot plant in the town of Ronan, Rocky Mountain Twist is a manufacturer of American-made high-performance, industrial-grade cutting tools, power tool accessories, drill bits, driver bits & reciprocating saw & specialty accessories. The company employs 250 workers.

8. GlaxoSmithKline, LLC (Hamilton)

GlaxoSmithKline is a pharmaceutical company that researches, develops, manufactures, and markets pharmaceutical products. Operating out of a 193,000 square-foot facility in Hamilton, this location produces pharmaceuticals, including vaccines.

9. ADF International, Inc. (Great Falls)

ADF International is a manufacturer of heavy steel components and complex metal frames. The company's Great Falls facility produces Structural steel fabrication & CNC machining. Employing 200 Great Falls workers, the company ranks among the top ten manufacturers in the state of Montana.

10. MRL Equipment Company, Inc. (Billings)

MRL Equipment Company produces traffic paint, thermoplastic, plural component & line removal/grooving equipment. Operating out of a 270,000 square-foot facility, the company employs 200 in the town of Billings.

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Sources: https://www.chsinc.com/our-businesses/refined-fuels


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