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Top 10 U.S. Manufacturers of Lighting Equipment and Fixtures

Posted by IndustrySelect on Monday, April 3, 2023

Top U.S. Manufacturers of Lighting Equipment and Fixtures


Thomas Edison knew that he would capture hearts and minds here in the U.S. and abroad when he unveiled his first incandescent light bulb to the world in 1879. Little did he know that he would revolutionize the way mankind lived, worked, and played for centuries to come.

About U.S. Manufacturers of Lighting Equipment and Fixtures

From your house to the White House, in farms, factories, and football fields, manufacturers of lighting and lighting fixtures brighten our world. This article will explore the top lighting equipment and fixtures manufacturers in the U.S. and explore some key trends and facts in this powerful sector, based on exclusive data collected by MNI. 

Know Your Market

Government Regulations

Unfortunately, we have reached the end of the Edison incandescent light bulb. Two new Department of Energy regulations mandate that manufacturers cease making incandescent bulbs in favor of their more energy-efficient replacements by the end of 2023. Both compact fluorescent and LED bulbs last longer and have less of an impact on the environment than their prototype.

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As generations of Americans become more technologically inclined, they expect their lighting choices to keep pace. Just as can control the heating and cooling of their spaces with smart thermostats, they want to control the amount of energy their lighting uses through remote programming. Look for an uptick in this technology to increase home, work, and play energy efficiency.

Key Facts and Trends on Lighting Equipment and Fixtures

According to MNI, publisher and compiler of the industrial data that powers IndustrySelect, the US lighting and light fixture manufacturing sector employs 69,197 individuals in 1,344 companies. These companies distribute more products internationally than the manufacturing industry as a whole with 54% of their product selling in other countries compared to only 29% of all manufactured goods. The industry averaged $39 billion last year.

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Geographically, no single region dominates the industry.

Midwest – 305 companies, representing 23% of the total
South – 365 companies, representing 27% of the total
Northeast – 310 companies, representing 27% of the total

Related: Key Facts & Trends in the U.S. Electronic & Electrical Equipment Industry

Top 10 Lighting Equipment and Fixtures Manufacturers in the US

CompanyCityState Number of Employees
Valeo North America, Inc.SeymourIN3,000
North American Lighting, Inc.Muscle ShoalsAL1,500
North American Lighting, Inc.ParisIL1,300
Stanley Electric US Co., Inc.LondonOH1,300
North American Lighting, Inc.SalemIL1,100
Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc.ConyersGA1,000
Cree Lighting, Inc.RacineWI1,000
North American Lighting, Inc., Forward Lighting FloraIL1,000
Pelican Products, Inc.TorranceCA1,000
Whelen Engineering Co., Inc.ChesterCT1,000

About the Top 10 Lighting Manufacturers in the U.S.

Valeo North America, Inc., based in Seymour, IN is celebrating 100 years of innovation in 2023. The company’s 3,000 employees manufacture Smart Poles to light up the cities of tomorrow and Welcome Light, which enables vehicles to project light on the roadway completely around a vehicle, making its stop and turns more visible to pedestrians and other motorists.

North American Lighting, Inc. calls Muscle Shoals, AL home. There, 1,500 workers make nighttime driving safer through advancements in the automotive lighting sector. They supply signal and forward lighting to major automotive brands operating in the region.

North American Lighting, Inc. in Paris IL is the city’s largest employer. Their 1,300 employees concentrate on advanced forward lighting. Advanced ADB (adaptive driving beam) technology enables headlights to sense and adapt to changing road conditions.

Stanley Electric US Co, Inc. employs 1,300 workers in London, OH. The company supplies automotive lighting needs worldwide and has expanded its portfolio to include control panels for automotive heating and air conditioning and a variety of in-car sensors.

North American Lighting, Inc. in Salem, IL employs 1,100 individuals to manufacture a variety of automotive lighting. Some of their products include turn signals, break lights, and integrated multi-function rear combination lights.

Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. is based in Conyers, GA. The 1,000-person-strong workforce concentrates on indoor and outdoor lighting controls and sensors.

Cree Lighting, Inc. hails from Racine, WI, and recently introduced its latest ZR Series troffers. Employing 1,000 workers, Cree developed new control choices, lenses, and diffusers to make the ZR Series the best light fixture for the job.

North American Lighting, Inc., Forward Lighting Operations operates out of Flora, IL. The original US plant, the Flora company, grew from 9 employees in 1983 to 1,000 current workers. This location makes everything from traditional halogen headlights to combination lighting systems.

Pelican Products, Inc. located in Torrance, CA tasks its 1,000 workers with creating a variety of personal lighting systems. Pelican offers flashlights, headlamps, safety lights, rechargeable lights, and photoluminescent lights.

Whelan Engineering Co., Inc. in Chester, CT caters to emergency responders. Whelen’s 1,000 workers make light bars, light heads, and other high-performance emergency service light systems using advanced optics and enhanced durability.

Finding New Business in the Lighting Equipment Industry

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