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Pennsylvania Paper & Supply, Made Famous by "The Office" Celebrates 100 Years

Posted by IndustrySelect on Wednesday, May 18, 2022


Above: "The Office" Tower: the iconic TV show "The Office" opens on the red brick tower of Pennsylvania Paper & Supply, a Scranton institution and family business celebrating its 100th anniversary on Friday, May 20, 2022.

Fans of the TV show “The Office” are very familiar with the red brick tower featured in the show’s opening sequence. But few know that the iconic tower belongs to the Pennsylvania Paper & Supply of Scranton, PA, which happens to be celebrating its 100th anniversary on May 20th.

Said Douglas Fink, President of Pennsylvania Paper & Supply “My grandfather Jacob Fink and my dad Jerry Fink would be proud to see how their company has grown over the last 100 years and surprised to learn our building is a world-renowned landmark," said Douglas Fink, Pennsylvania Paper & Supply President. "John Krasinski took that shot of our tower in 2004 when he was doing research for The Office and for his role as Jim Halpert in the fictional Dunder Mifflin."

A family-owned business, Jacob Fink founded Pennsylvania Paper & Supply in 1922, which originally sold paper bags to Scranton grocers. The company expanded its product line to include janitorial and sanitation supplies. Today, the third-generation company is a multi-dimensional products and services distributor serving a wide range of industries.

After moving several times, Pennsylvania Paper & Supply found its long-term home in 1955 under the iconic tower made famous by “The Office.”

Fink went on to say “Almost two decades later, fans still show up looking for the real Dunder Mifflin, but we're not the colorful oddballs of The Office; we're a team of 300 professionals steeped in 100 years of history.”

Related Companies: Pennsylvania Paper & Supply Co.
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