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Novelis Breaks Ground on $2.5 Billion Aluminum Plant in Alabama

Posted by IndustrySelect on Monday, October 10, 2022

Novelis Inc breaks ground on $2.5 billion aluminum plant in Minette, Alabama

Above: Novelis leaders, Governor Kay Ivey, Congressman Jerry Carl, officials from CSX and Alabama Power, and several local officials break ground on Novelis' $2.5 low-carbon aluminum recycling and rolling mill, which will be located in Bay Minette, Alabama (Image courtesy of Cision/PR Newswire)

Aluminum solutions provider Novelis Inc. announced it has broken ground on a new aluminum rolling and recycling plant in Bay Minette, Alabama. Representing a $2.5 billion investment, the new state-of-the-art facility will employ 1,000 once fully operational. Novelis reports the new facility will have an initial 600 kilotonnes of finished aluminum products capacity per year, primarily serving the beverage container market, as well as the automotive sector. In addition, the new low-carbon operation will include a recycling center for beverage cans, which will increase the company’s capacity by 15 billion cans per year.

"Through this investment, we want to demonstrate the strength of our growing customer partnerships, the commitment we have to sustainably grow our business, and the innovative, forward-thinking approach we are taking to modern manufacturing," said Steve Fisher, President and CEO of Novelis. "We are especially proud to celebrate our groundbreaking of this state-of-the-art facility on National Manufacturing Day, which highlights the exciting career opportunities available in our industry."

Novelis welcomed 200 attendees to its groundbreaking ceremony, which took place on Manufacturing Day (October 7th), and announced the company’s plans to invest $150,000 in south Alabama non-profit organizations. Novelis also announced a partnership with Baldwin County to provide recycling bins and education at all county-owned buildings.

Headquartered in Atlanta, Novelis Inc. is a leader in aluminum can recycling & hot & cold-rolled aluminum sheet, plate & foil. The company employs more than 4,300 workers in the United States.


Related Companies: Novelis, Inc.
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