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MNI and SalesLeads Inc. Team Up to Deliver Industrial Prospecting & Appointment Setting Services

Posted by IndustrySelect on Wednesday, September 14, 2022

MNI to Offer Industrial Prospecting and Appointment Setting Services With SalesLeads Inc

Industrial-based MNI and SalesLeads Inc have entered into a joint collaboration between the MNI IndustrySelect databases and SalesLeads’ Industrial Prospecting Services. The relationship offers MNI’s current and future customers the opportunity to increase the value of their investment by offering proven business development and prospecting services by SalesLeads Inc.

For the last 50 years, SalesLeads Inc has delivered outsourced prospecting and business development services to industrial product and service providers with the sole purpose of helping clients to identify and engage new potential customers with the industrial or manufacturing sectors.

“We are excited to work with MNI,” said Evan Lamolinara, president of Salesleads. “Collaborating with MNI is a great opportunity to provide our mutual clients with best-in-class industrial databases combined with world-class outsourced business development and prospecting services. We serve as an extension of our client's sales team, and this powerful combination will result in accelerating our mission to help industrial clients build larger, more predictable sales pipelines, without the headache of adding more FTEs.”

MNI and SalesLeads Inc working together exemplifies their joint dedication to helping industrial businesses fill their sales funnel with more high-quality sales leads. “This collaboration reflects our desire to work with companies that share our vision and commitment to the industrial sector,” said Scott Kartsounes, Chief Technology Officer for MNI.

“I’m personally excited to work with SalesLeads to support MNI clients with a service that many have been asking for,” said Kati McDermith, Brand Ambassador, MNI.

To learn more about prospecting and appointment generating services, find out here

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