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MNI Launches Free B2B Intent Data Tools to Help Users Maximize Sales

Posted by IndustrySelect on Tuesday, June 22, 2021


IndustrySelect's exclusive intent data shows you where you should focus your efforts to maximize sales, so you can do more with less. All at no additional cost to our users.

You may have recently heard the buzzwords “buyer intent data.” It’s a term that did not exist just a couple years ago but is now being touted by major data compilers. Intent data is any data that helps sales, marketing, and business development professionals make contact with prospects that are most likely to buy from you at any given moment. Intent data is also data that helps you work more efficiently (and smarter) by getting to the right decision makers with the ultimate authority to buy from you.

Some data compilers present intent data as a “magic list” of names, phone numbers, and email addresses of buyers that have their wallets out and are eagerly awaiting your call. These compilers analyze the online behavior of individuals, tracking certain consumptive behaviors that signal intent.

However, as data privacy laws become stricter and consumers demand more privacy, intent data derived from online behavior is looking less and less a part of the future landscape for sales and marketing. For instance, consider Apple’s latest move to allow users to opt out of online behavior tracking or the growing popularity of privacy focused browsers.

At MNI, we’ve been watching the buyer intent data trend closely. After all, our analysts track the equipment, parts and services millions of industrial buyers are searching for across 11,000 distinct product and service categories on its industrial marketplace IndustryNet. This buyer search data and online quote requests (RFQs) from IndustryNet give MNI access to a treasure trove of private and unpublished data on industrial products and services that are in highest demand at every moment in time.

Meanwhile, the process of updating the 460,000 industrial business profiles in our database reveals a wealth of ancillary data we can use to identify statistical trends and visualize complex corporate structure.

And so we thought: what if we were able to provide our customers these key insights and trends? Not only could our IndustrySelect users leverage this first-party information to determine which products or services are in highest demand, but also zero in on those prospects that are best positioned to buy. Rather than following an individual across the web and collecting myriad data points that may or may not be useful, we could instead deliver unique insights based on real-time buyer actions in a relevant B2B setting, providing a more contextual view of a prospect or industry in the marketplace.

Using all the data available to MNI through our various sources, including IndustryNet, we are proud to be able to offer comprehensive intent data to our IndustrySelect users, at no additional cost. These insights include:

• Buyer interest in prospect versus competitors
• Buyer demand of over 11,000 products & services:
• Expert analysis on high demand products, services & regions
• Customer cloning/matching
• Relationship data

Ready to get started? For a detailed look at these tools, visit our intent data resources page.

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