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Advanced Packaging Provider Max Solutions Opens First Manufacturing Facility in Pennsylvania

Posted by IndustrySelect on Tuesday, August 2, 2022


Max Solutions, a differentiated specialty packaging platform has opened its first manufacturing facility in Bristol, Pennsylvania. Founded in 2021, Max Solutions produces folding cartons and labels, investing in next-generation technology, innovation, and supply chain optimization to deliver its products to the health care and consumer markets. The Bristol plant is one of two manufacturing plants the company Max Solutions is opening this year.

The new facility in Bristol encompasses 100,000 square feet and is equipped with next-generation technology to meet growing market demands. Max Solutions is planning to open second factory using identical technology in Concord, North Carolina this October. Together, the two facilities will encompass 250,000 square feet.

Said Marc Shore, CEO of Max Solutions: “These new factories, along with our dynamic and exceptional team, position us to provide superior quality and exceptional service to our customers while remaining focused on driving long-term strategic growth,” said Marc Shore, Chief Executive Officer of Max Solutions. “We’re excited to participate in the Bristol and Concord communities and look forward to continuing this positive momentum as we move forward.”

Related: Top 10 Manufacturing Companies in Pennsylvania

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