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How a Leading Material Handling Company Saw Revenue Soar with High Quality Leads

Posted by IndustrySelect on Saturday, May 18, 2024


A large material handling and assembly solutions company located in the Southeast part of the U.S. was attempting to try new programs in order to reach new customers. With six experienced sales professionals covering a large territory including Tennessee, Alabama, South Carolina, and Georgia, it became clear to the president that the company needed to find new avenues for uncovering sales leads to grow the business. But with the sales staff already stretched with managing current customers, the question the company needed to explore was, “Do we need to hire additional sales staff or can we find a more efficient…and even effective solution?”

How to Find the Right Avenue to Bolster Sales Growth

The company then turned to experts for help. “At the beginning of the year, our attention shifted to the innovative Prospecting Services offered,” said the president. “We were intrigued by the potential benefits and success of the Service, that we started a conversation to gauge its effectiveness compared to hiring a full-time salesperson.”

Is your company struggling with similar challenges? With expert knowledge in the industrial sector, Industrial Prospecting and Appoinment-Setting Services can get your sales team in front of qualified decision makers that match your ideal customers. Learn about our industrial prospecting & appointment setting services.

Maximizing Results with a Company Specific Focus

The team proved to be flexible and accommodating, working closely with the company's executive team to align the Prospecting Services with the business requirements of the material handling company. Only two months later with the teams working together, the results spoke for themselves: The company receives…and continues to receive highly-specific, qualified leads that delivers appointments with identified accounts.

One such sales lead was a company that the material handling company had initially quoted on 15 years ago but didn’t have the opportunity to makes its way back into the account. The subsequent team effort enabled the material handling company to re-engage with this prospect and provide a new quote that was tailored to meet their need. This led to a potential new sale and highlighted the effectiveness of their approach to penetrating key accounts.

Hitting the Target

As a direct result of the partnership, the material handling company saw a significant increase in their sales pipeline. 29% of the leads generated entered into the sales funnel for further qualification, with 50% continued down into the sales funnel that ultimately converted into new revenue. This success underscores the value of leveraging innovative solutions like Prospecting Services to boost sales and drive business growth.

Want to see results like these for your business? IndustrySelect's Industrial Prospecting and Appointment-Setting Services can get your sales team in front of qualified decision makers that match your ideal customers. Learn about our industrial prospecting & appointment setting services.

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