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GAF Energy Breaks Ground On World's Largest Solar Roof Manufacturing Plant in Texas

Posted by IndustrySelect on Monday, August 29, 2022

GAF Energy Breaks Ground on World's Largest Solar Roof Manufacturing Plant in Georgetown, Texas

Above: Congressman John Carter and Georgetown Mayor Josh Schroeder joined community leaders and GAF Energy leadership to celebrate the groundbreaking of the company’s new Timberline Solar™ Manufacturing Facility in Georgetown Texas. Once complete, it will be the largest solar roof manufacturing facility in the world (Photo courtesy of PR Newswire).

Roofing systems manufacturer GAF Energy broke ground on a new solar roof facility in Georgetown, Texas on August 26th, joining Congressman John Carter and Georgetown Mayor Josh Schroeder for the ceremony. GAF Energy, a Standard Industries company and provider of solar roofing for the North American market is building the new plant in response to heightened demand for its Timberline Solar™ roof, which features the world first nailable shingle. The Timberline Solar roof system is also the only roof system in the world to integrate solar technology directly into traditional roofing processes.

"One of the reasons I was drawn to work at our parent company, Standard Industries, was their commitment to U.S.-based jobs and manufacturing. We're thrilled to be building the future of solar here in Georgetown, Texas. The community has welcomed us with open arms—and made the decision of where to build our second facility easy," said Martin DeBono, President of GAF Energy. "We're producing our technologically cutting edge Timberline Solar roof here in the U.S. because we believe it allows us to make the best product for our customers."

The new 450,000 square-foot facility will be the company’s second U.S. facility, adding to its first plant in San Jose, California.

Construction is expected to complete by the summer of 2023, with operations launching at the year’s end. Once complete, the new facility will provide hundreds of local jobs and represent the largest solar roof facility in the world.

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