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Canoo Plans New EV Battery Manufacturing Plant in Oklahoma

Posted by IndustrySelect on Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Canoo Announces New Manufacturing Facility in Pryor, Oklahoma

Canoo Announces EV Battery Module Manufacturing Facility in Oklahoma

High-tech advanced mobility company Canoo announced plans on November 2nd to establish a new EV battery module manufacturing facility in Pryor, Oklahoma. The new facility, which will produce battery modules on high-capacity assembly lines, will encompass 100,000 square feet across a 10-acre campus.

"We are accelerating our hiring plans in Pryor with the establishment of our EV Battery Module Manufacturing Facility, which will produce our proprietary battery modules, energy management system and thermal control technology for our MPP platform" said Tony Aquila, Chairman and CEO at Canoo. 

Aquila went on to say that the location was strategically located to be in closer proximity to its battery partner Panasonic and the company’s future MegaMicro factory, a general assembly plant to be located on a 400 campus at Mid-America Industrial Park . Once fully operational, the MegaMicro factory will employ 2,000 workers, representing a significant investment in the state of Oklahoma.

The new battery facility is part of Canoo’s greater production ramp strategy and will be powered by hydroelectricity from Grand River Dam Authority – the first EV company to do so.

“We will be the first EV company to produce our battery modules with Hydro-Power from the Grand River Dam Authority. We will work closely with and hire within the surrounding communities to create an EV Ecosystem in the region,” said Aquila.

The company states that it will be working with Cherokee Nation, MidAmerica, and other training partners to implement workforce training programs and bring high paying jobs to the area.

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