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The 7 Best Sales Openers and How to Use Them

Posted by IndustrySelect on Wednesday, June 15, 2022

7 Best Sales Openers for B2B


What could be more frustrating than a sudden dismissal when you've barely begun your pitch? To communicate your product's value, you need to keep your prospects on the line. To accomplish that purpose, you require an opener that will spark customers' interest and keep them engaged. This article explores the best sales openers and describes how you can employ them.

How Do You Open a Sales Call?

With the tsunami of spam constantly assaulting many call recipients, if you don't immediately introduce yourself, your call terminates before it begins. So greet your prospects with their names, making it clear your call isn't a random shot in the dark.

Once you've delivered your greeting, introduce yourself and your business, keeping your presentation concise and to the point. For example, you might say: "I'm (your name) from (your company), and we assist businesses like yours to succeed with (whatever your product or service helps your customer accomplish)." After you've made your initial connection, you're in a position to employ your sales openers.

Related: Expert Guide to Overcoming Sales Objections in B2B

What are the Benefits of Well-Crafted Sales Openers?

survey showed that only 24.3% of 400 sales representatives exceeded their quotas last year. A whopping 62% found their sales experience more challenging than the previous year.

If you want to overcome the odds, an effective sales opener can help you:

● Begin a conversation.

● Develop a rapport with your call's recipient.

● Hurdle the barriers surrounding a decision-maker.

● Improve your conversion rate.

Which of the following sales openers you select will depend on the products or services you're offering and your customer's requirements. Once you've introduced yourself, the approaches here offer an array of choices to fit your specific needs.

Best Sales Openers

1. Determine your customer's pain. Try: "If you have a moment, can I ask you a few questions to see if I can help you?" In this way, you create an opening to discover a company's problem and determine whether the solution you're offering can successfully ameliorate it. If not, you can move on with minimal waste of time on both sides.

2. Open with a referral. Begin with: "(Referrer's name) suggested that I contact you in connection with how I helped (name of company) address its (specific pain or problem). Can I ask you a few questions to see if my company's (product or service) can provide the solution you need?" This approach will rapidly determine whether you've reached a promising prospect.

3. Mention what competitors are doing. Say: "I'm calling because we helped (insert competitor's name) overcome (problem or pain point) and provided (list the benefits of what you're selling)." This particular approach works because companies are constantly seeking intelligence about their competitors. If you're offering the opportunity to gain an advantage over a rival, you've struck fertile ground.

4. Ask for your prospect's help. Begin with: "I was wondering if you could help me out a bit." There's an adage: "If you want to make a friend, ask for a favor." It's in people's nature to enjoy having someone indebted to them. Once you have the prospect's attention, you can proceed to questions that will personalize your presentation.

5. Startle with your honesty. Come right out with: "We've never spoken before." This opening can be intriguing if the prospect often encounters representatives pretending to know them. It also builds enough trust for you to move on to specific details of your pitch.

6. Inquire about a prospect's welfare. Try a friendly inquiry of "How are you?" or "How's your day going so far?" This type of opening can make the prospect feel like your call is from a friend or a colleague. It's also a question that almost guarantees a reply. While you might elicit the traditional "fine," if the company is experiencing problems, you could receive a spontaneous outpouring of frustration. That confession provides your cue to swoop in with your cure for the prospect's pain.

7. Demonstrate that you've done your homework. Tell your prospect: "I was very impressed by your company's recent announcement." Your knowledge of your customers' marketing information demonstrates your interest in the company. Continue with: "Can you tell me more about your company's decision to (moves such as mergers or new product launches)?" Once you have the prospect talking about the company, you can offer your solutions for future success.

Pinpointing Receptive Prospects for Your Openers

The best opening line in the world won't help you complete a sale to an unqualified prospect. Before you pick up the phone, IndustrySelect can assist you in making every call count. Using IndustrySelect is a reliable way to identify your best prospects by location, industry and size. This subscription service provides you with complete company profiles. It also offers the resources to build and save contact lists. Try a free demo to learn more about prospecting that leads to successful sales.


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